Team Intelligence Amplifies Lead Generation and Visibility for Letstute’s E-Learning Platform

Letstute, officially known as Universal Learning Pvt Ltd, is a distinguished e-learning company based in Mumbai, India. Celebrating its 9th year, Letstute is dedicated to making a significant and positive impact in the education sector by offering high-quality educational content. With a vision to provide equal education for all, Letstute emphasizes self-learning through detailed and logical concept explanations, ensuring that knowledge is retained for life. Their approach is to transform passion into a profession, supporting students in excelling in their chosen courses, with the added benefit of certification upon completion.

The Challenge

Despite its established presence and strong educational offerings, Letstute faced significant challenges in expanding its reach and effectiveness in lead generation for both its B2B and B2C segments. The primary hurdle was enhancing the visibility and fostering awareness of their new online courses in a highly competitive digital landscape. 

Effective lead generation through Google and Facebook paid campaigns was crucial but achieving high qualification rates and a solid return on ad spend required a meticulously crafted approach. Furthermore, Letstute needed to ensure that the strategies implemented would not only attract potential leads but also align with their core educational values and the goal of providing quality education. 

The challenge was twofold: to maintain the integrity and appeal of their educational content while optimizing digital marketing tactics to reach target corporates and individual learners. This required a delicate balance of innovative advertising, precise targeting, and content that resonated with both business clients and personal learners, ensuring that every marketing dollar spent translated into tangible results in terms of lead quality and course enrollments.

The Strategy

Team Intelligence devised a comprehensive digital marketing strategy focusing on several key areas to address these challenges:

  1. Segmented Campaigns: Separate strategies for B2B and B2C lead generation to tailor messaging and targeting appropriately.
  2. Enhanced Ad Content: Development of engaging and informative ad content that reflects Letstute’s commitment to quality education and student success.
  3. Advanced Targeting Techniques: Utilization of sophisticated targeting options on Google and Facebook to reach the most relevant audience segments.
  4. Continuous Optimization: Regular monitoring and tweaking of campaigns to improve performance metrics based on real-time data.

Results with Team Intelligence

The strategic initiatives undertaken by Team Intelligence yielded impressive results for Letstute:

  • Amount Spent: $20,000
  • Purchases: 330 course enrollments
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): 4x
  • Conversion Value: $80,000
  • Generated B2B Leads: 100 per month with a 40% qualification rate
  • Generated B2C Leads: 600-750 per month with a 70% qualification rate

These metrics demonstrate the efficacy of the campaign, showing a significant return on investment. The ROAS of 4x illustrates a substantial gain, indicating that every dollar spent brought in $4 in revenue. This success is particularly notable in the competitive field of online education, highlighting the accuracy of our targeting and the compelling nature of our ad content. 

By leveraging precise strategies tailored to the unique needs of both B2B and B2C markets, Team Intelligence not only enhanced Letstute’s market presence but also significantly boosted course sign-ups, fulfilling the company’s goal of expanding educational opportunities and achieving customer satisfaction.

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